Joshua is 7 months old today!!!
Here are Joshua's
7 month stats:
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 21 lbs. 10 ozs.
Diaper size: 4
Clothing size: 12 months
New milestones this month:
rocking on his hands and knees
sitting up independently for long periods of time
rolling and scooting to get anywhere he wants to go
fighting sleep (ugh.)
seperation anxiety
trying to clap his hands
playing peek-a-boo with blankets
sitting up in the bathtub
eating "table food"
drinking from a straw
Joshua has been sick for over a week now. He has a really nasty cold and cough, so we've stayed in as much as possible. (This is why there wasn't a Thrifty Thursday last week or today.) And, since his last name is Layne,
cold/cough = breathing treatments
So, this is what my sweet baby was doing on his 7 month birthday. :(
Please excuse the voice in the background. I never knew how crazy I sound
when I'm playing with him!!
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