I can't believe it!! Joshua is 4 months old! Where has the time gone??
I know I don't blog very often, but I'm trying. Really, I am. I need to get into a good blog schedule. I always think of great ideas to blog about but I never write them down and, therefore, forget them. Such is my life and Mommy brain. Anyway, back to Joshua...
Here are little man's (ha!)
4 months stats:
Height--26.5 inches
Weight--18lbs. 11ozs.
Diaper size--3
Diaper size--3
Clothing size--6-9 months (mostly 9 months)
New milestones this month:
Consonant sounds (baba, gaga, dada)
Engaging in "conversation" (Jacob and Olivia LOVE this!)
BOTH bottom teeth
Laughing out loud at anything (and everything...)
Eating rice cereal from a spoon (yum yum!)
His pediatrician is very pleased with his growth and development. He is the perfect size...of a 7 month old. HA! She's not concerned though because his height and weight are proportional. He was not happy with his shots yesterday and has been a total pill so far today. But I expected it, so I'm armed with infant's Tylenol and cuddle time.
Here are a couple of recent pictures of Joshua Evan.
This is his flirty, I-know-I'm-cute smile. :)
Today is a rainy, gloomy, yucky day. It matches Joshua's mood perfectly. So, we're hanging out at home in our pajamas until it's time to pick up Jacob and Olivia from school. I think I'm going to try Drunken Chicken for supper tonight. Oh, and I'm totally changing my grocery shopping plan. I'll blog about that tomorrow. Maybe.
And, I just realized exactly how boring my life is because I am SO excited to change my shopping plan. Yeah. Dull.